Chinese Gender Predictor

Are you eager to find out if you’re having a baby boy or girl? Our Chinese Gender Predictor is based on the ancient Chinese birth chart, which has been used for centuries to determine the gender of an unborn child. Simply enter the mother’s age at conception and the month of conception, and our gender prediction tool will estimate whether you’re expecting a boy or a girl. While not scientifically proven, many parents use this method for fun and curiosity. Try it today and start guessing your baby’s gender!

Frequently Asked Questions

How accurate is the Chinese Gender Predictor?

The Chinese Gender Predictor is based on an ancient Chinese birth chart and is meant for fun. While some claim it is 90% accurate, it is not scientifically proven.

Can the Chinese Gender Chart predict twins' gender?

No, the Chinese Gender Chart does not account for multiple pregnancies, so it can’t predict twins' or triplets' genders.

How does the Chinese Gender Predictor work?

It calculates the baby's gender using the mother's age at conception and the conception month according to the lunar calendar.

Is the Chinese Gender Prediction method different from an ultrasound?

Yes, ultrasounds provide a scientific and medically verified way to determine gender, while the Chinese Gender Chart is based on folklore.

Can I use the Chinese Gender Predictor for past pregnancies?

Yes, you can enter the conception details of a past pregnancy to see if the prediction aligns with your child's actual gender.

Does the mother's age matter in the Chinese Gender Chart?

Yes, the predictor uses the lunar age of the mother at conception, which is different from the Gregorian calendar age.

Can I increase my chances of having a boy or girl using the chart?

There is no scientific evidence that the Chinese Gender Chart can influence gender selection, but some use it for fun when planning pregnancy.

Do different versions of the Chinese Gender Chart exist?

Yes, various versions exist, and accuracy may vary based on whether you use the lunar or Gregorian calendar.

What is the origin of the Chinese Gender Predictor?

It originates from ancient China and was allegedly discovered in a royal tomb over 700 years ago.

Can I use the Chinese Gender Predictor before conception?

Some couples use it to plan their baby’s gender, but it is not scientifically proven to influence outcomes.