Sandra Moore asked on January 20, 2025.
What is a cryptic pregnancy?
I'm curious to know more about cryptic pregnancies. I’ve heard that it’s when a woman doesn't realize she's pregnant until very late, sometimes even until labor begins. What causes this, and how common is it? Are there specific signs or symptoms to look for, and why is it so difficult to detect?
Raj Laxmi
Answered on January 27, 2025 at 12:53 PM
A cryptic pregnancy is a pregnancy that goes unnoticed for weeks or even months because the signs, such as missed periods, nausea, or weight gain, are absent or mild. Hormone levels may be too low to detect on standard pregnancy tests, and some women continue to have light bleeding that resembles a period, making it harder to recognise the pregnancy. This can result in the woman finding out she is pregnant late in the pregnancy or even at the time of labor.
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Edited on January 27, 2025 at 01:37 PM
A cryptic pregnancy is a pregnancy that goes unnoticed for weeks or even months because the signs, such as missed periods, nausea, or weight gain, are absent or mild. Hormone levels may be too low to detect on standard pregnancy tests, and some women continue to have light bleeding that resembles a period, making it harder to recognize the pregnancy. This can result in the woman finding out she is pregnant late in the pregnancy or even at the time of labor.